Thursday, September 16, 2010

Save the Date :: November 26, 2010

The class reunion is right around the corner!! We hope that everyone can make it; it should be a great time!
We will be sending invites through email this weekend and then hard copies will go out in a few weeks. You can either mail your payment in or use the convenient paypal link to the right to purchase your tickets. 

Any questions please email to
*you can click on the images above to enlarge*


  1. not sure if this is where I RSVP, but I cannot make it. I will be traveling from North Carolina to Ohio to be with my husband's family for Thanksgiving. Wish I could be two places at once! Sounds like it is going to be a great time!
    Lindsay (Schultz) Hannum

  2. I'm going to have to RSVP no as well. I'm sure it will be a great time! Wish we could make it.

    Tracy Clarke
